Jan 19, 2011

Chanel Jouse contraste blushers

After hearing so much so much raves about Chanel's blushers from my friend who's also a make up junkie like, I decided to splurge on 2 as a start first. I bought the jouse contraste series (Sorry, I don't know the English translation for it, I only type as what is written on the packaging) in #58 fresque and #82 reflex

Click to for enlarged pic

 Click for enlarged pic

In general, the textures of the two jouse contraste blushers I bought are smooth and very fine and blends very nicely into the skin. My only gripe with them is that they don't long last as long on me as my MAC blushers and tend to fade off quite quickly which I don't have this problem with my MAC blushers.

#58 Fresque is a very light peachy pink blush which in my opinion will only appear on fairer skinned ladies. Even on my NC20 skin, I had to swipe a few times before the color appeared on my face, but it does give a very nice, sweet and fresh peachy pink glow to skin. Very natural and subtle. 

#82 Reflex reminds me somewhat of MAC's peachykeen or sunbasque blush which suits most skintones and gives more of a sunkissed healthy glow to the face. If u like the sunkissed look, you'd probably like #82 Reflex better. 

I would buy Chanel's blushers again as I like the colors and  textures of the above 2 that I have but I only wish that the blushers stayed on longer on me, and my cheek area is dry by the way so I don't see why the blushers doesn't stay on me as long as my MAC ones.

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