Make Up Galore
Sep 24, 2015
The Matte Lip collection Lipswatches - Part 1
Close up pictures of Men Love Mystery, Tropic Tonic and D for Danger Men Love Mystery on my lips Comparison of Up the Amp (A...
Aug 7, 2015
Face of the Day - July 31st
Here's a smokey eye dark lip make up which i did last week on myself using colors from MAC cosmetics. Here are the ite...
Jul 21, 2015
Graphic eyeliner FOTD
Here's a pic of one of my latest Face of the day make up which i did of a graphic eyeliner. The challenging part of this make up was b...
Jun 25, 2015
Green eyeshadow and purple lipstick FOTD
Wow, it has almost been 1yr since i last updated this blog. And here's one of my FOTDs which i did since then and is also one of my fav...
Nov 10, 2014
Face of the day 6 Nov 2014
Haven been updating my blog as often as I should as my laptop was sent for repair and I did not get it back until a few days back. Anyway h...
Sep 27, 2014
MAC The Matte Lip collection
This collection was just launched at my local MAC counters yesterday 28 Sept. The collection consists of 8 lipcolors as follows 1. Pand...
Sep 26, 2014
Face of the Day 27 / 9 /2014
Haven't been wearing my greens for a long time for now, but finally decided to wear them again after neglecting them for ages. In fact,...
Sep 22, 2014
MAC Viva Glam Rihanna 2 lipstick and Lipgloss
When I first saw swatches of this colour on line, I was like EHHH.. I don't think I am gonna buy this colour, I will probably look pois...
Sep 18, 2014
Too Face Melted Liquid lipcolor In Melted Violet Review
One of my friends actually had recommended me this earlier, but i did not get about to getting this until recently. And I am so totally in ...
Sep 2, 2014
MAC A Novel Romance haulage and review
Initially, I was planning on passing on this collection, but when I saw the colors, I caved in to the inner shophaholic in me and ended up ...
Aug 9, 2014
Name that Lippie 2
Bought YSL rouge pur couture Mat 208 In Fuschia Fetiche and Loving it. It is a gorgeous Red lippie with a slight pink undertone to it. Alth...
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